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Non-invasive body sculpting versus liposuction: which option is best for you?

Stubborn, unwanted fat – it’s something that many of us will experience at some point during our lives as we navigate changes in our lifestyle and health status. Regardless of your gender, genetics or age, weight gain often can be a natural and inevitable factor of simply being human. Even those with rigorous fitness routines and healthy diets can still fall prey to unsightly deposits of fat that are difficult to budge.

If you are interested to explore the latest technologies and seek extra help to achieve your ideal shape, there are two different paths you can take: either invasive or non-invasive treatments.

Let’s take a look at the differences between the two in addressing fat reduction, to see which option might be suitable for you.

Invasive fat reduction treatments
The leading invasive fat reduction treatment is known as liposuction. This permanent solution is used to tackle unwanted fat deposits in areas such as under the chin and the neck, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms. As with any surgical procedure, you should discuss whether liposuction is the right option for you with a registered surgeon.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires patients to undergo local or general anaesthesia. It can deliver permanent results and is often performed on large areas of fat.

If we look at chin liposuction as an example, for those who want to say goodbye to a ‘double chin’, liposuction involves removing fat from a small incision, aided by a cannula (a specialist suction wand) allowing for precise contouring. Targeting the double chin with liposuction however, may not be as effective when treating older patients.

When deciding if liposuction is right for you, consider your lifestyle and schedule. When undergoing this surgical procedure, there may be multiple visits required in pre-consultations and post-operative care. You’ll require rest for about one week, although swelling can persist for 3-4 weeks. You can expect to see definite results of your contoured new shape in approximately three to six months after treatment.

As with any surgical procedure, there are associated risks such as the chance of potential infection through the fat-removal process.

Non-invasive fat reduction treatments
There are a myriad of non-invasive fat treatments available, including radiofrequency, laser, high-intensity focused ultrasound and cryolipolysis. It can be difficult to know which treatment is best for you, which is why it’s a good idea to refer to science.

For those who want an effective solution to fat removal but would prefer to avoid surgery, the non-invasive treatment of cryolipolysis (fat freezing) should be a consideration. Cryolipolysis is a well-researched, permanent, non-surgical fat freezing technique. It works by cooling the fat cells to a precise temperature where they are crystallised, die, and then are naturally eliminated by the body. A medical practitioner will review your history and develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs. The treatment will take place in clinic, with a trained technician. The results of cryolipolysis have been documented in published studies. In fact, up to 27% of fat reduction has been achieved in multiple treatment areas.

Completed in just a few hours without the need for an anaesthetic, this treatment is most suitable for small to medium-sized body areas. You can expect to start seeing initial results at the six-week mark, with final results around 12 weeks after treatment.

Cryolipolisis is backed by science with an extensive research profile. Another aspect that appeals to many people - besides the fact that there is no surgery, anaesthetic, or needles - is the relaxed environment in which the treatment is conducted, as well as the minimal expected downtime and short treatment times. This allows them to go about their lives without disruption. However, it’s important to look for fat freezing treatments that are carried out under the guidance of a healthcare professional. This ensures that from consultation to treatment and aftercare, the patient is cared for by professionals – medical practitioner and technician – both of whom have the expertise and experience in using a cryolipolysis device.

Fat freezing also can be much more cost effective when compared to liposuction – however, you do need to keep in mind that usually two fat freezing sessions are required to achieve the desired results per treatment area, depending on how your body responds. If we revisit the ‘double-chin’ as a treatment example, cryolipolysis can be performed on a wider range of patients, including those who are older. While results will vary from person to person, overall patients can expect permanent results without having to undergo a surgical procedure, while achieving natural looking results.

AU-CSC-220129 V1 | DoP: October 2022

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